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THE BIG LIFE is a personalised 1:1 mentoring program helping you navigate a clear pathway, a plan and a holding hand out of the crisis.  By unleashing your purpose, uncovering your innate gifts and unblocking your unconscious patterns to success, you will be rock solid and ready to go with your Big Life vision (plus a full blueprint). I offer 3 core packages:

The Big Life Breakthrough™ - 4 week intensive mentoring program

The Big Life Re-Invention™ - 12 weeks mentoring to reclaim your innate life purpose, a blueprint for living and life transformation program. This is intense and transformative.

The Big Life Mastery™ - 6 month inside-out adventure into self realisation. Life re-purposing, re-planning, re-visioning, re-designing taking you on a transcendent journey from You to Super You. No stones will be left unturned in this profound and exquisite program of mastery at the personal, business and global level.

Why join The Big Life?

The current crisis has confronted career executives and entrepreneurs – with some being fearful of losing their jobs, their business and their livelihoods. Many suddenly feel stuck, lost, uncertain and exposed. A lifetime of overlooking their passions and life purpose for money, status and career success is being reckoned, as it no longer feels so meaningful or relevant.

In the face of this crisis, many successful people now start to feel rudderless, as they fear waking up one day and wondering what on Earth happened with their life? If this sounds like you, this could very well be the most powerful time to face your own fears, look ahead of the curve, and fully transform your life and/or business.


What is the big life?


Visit the big life website

And find out how you can live big ↓

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